
The Ultimate Guide to Boosting Your Digital SAT Score in Just 15 Days

Digital SAT Practice tests

Preparing for the Digital SAT can be a daunting task, especially with just 15 days to go before the March Exam. However, with a strategic approach and focused preparation, you can significantly improve your score. Here’s how to make the most of the final two weeks with our 10-point plan.

1. Intensive Practice Tests

The cornerstone of effective SAT preparation is taking full-length practice tests that replicate the actual exam conditions. Aim to complete at least one test every two days.

This not only helps you get used to the test format but also improves your stamina and timing.

For practice, you can utilize offline resources like the College Board’s Bluebook, also you can utilize previous year question papers.

Online resources, such as Khan Academy, provide free practice tests, while platforms like TutorWand offer adaptive testing experiences similar to the official College Board exams.

TutorWand boasts a collection of more than 10+ full-length mock tests and unit tests on every topic at three different difficulty levels, ensuring that the difficulty of questions varies according to how students perform.

2. Analyze Performance

After each Digital SAT practice test, thoroughly review your answers to identify your strengths and weaknesses.
While offline tests may not offer detailed analyses, online practice tests can provide comprehensive reports, offering insights into your performance across different subjects and pinpointing areas for improvement.

3. Focus on Weak Areas

Dedicate more study time to the subjects and topics where you struggle.

Utilizing your performance reports, target these weak areas for improvement.

On platforms like TutorWand, you can find unit tests for every topic at varying difficulty levels, allowing you to practice according to your current skill level and gradually improve.

4. Repeat the Process

For at least one week, cycle through taking practice tests, analyzing your performance, and focusing on improving weak areas. This repetition will help solidify your understanding and improve your scores.

5. Master Time Management

Effective time management is crucial during the SAT.

Practice managing your time in each section to ensure you can complete all questions with some time left over for review.

Taking multiple practice tests will help you get accustomed to the exam’s pace and structure.

TutorWand full-length practice tests can simulate the real exam experience, helping you to develop a sense of how to allocate your time during the actual test.

6. Rest and Recuperation

A well-rested mind is more capable of processing information and solving problems efficiently. Ensure you’re getting enough sleep in the days leading up to the exam.

In addition to rest, maintain a positive mindset and manage stress through meditation, yoga, or other relaxation techniques.

Eating nutritious foods, staying hydrated, and regular exercise are also crucial for keeping your body and mind in top condition for exam day.

7. Leverage Online Resources

Make the most of online resources for SAT preparation. Platforms like Khan Academy offer free Digital SAT practice tests, while TutorWand provides an adaptive testing experience with its full-length mock tests and unit tests. These resources can be invaluable for familiarizing yourself with the test format and questions.

8. Review Key Concepts

Spend time each day reviewing key concepts that are critical for the SAT.

This includes grammar rules for the Writing section, mathematical formulas and concepts for the Math section, and reading comprehension strategies for the Reading section.

9. Engage in Active Learning

Rather than passively reading through notes or textbooks, engage in active learning techniques such as practicing with flashcards, teaching concepts to a friend, or discussing problems with study partners.

This can help reinforce your knowledge and improve retention.

10. Stay Positive and Confident

Maintaining a positive outlook and confidence in your preparation is vital. Visualize success, and remind yourself of the progress you’ve made during your preparation.

Confidence can significantly impact your performance on exam day.


Boosting your Digital SAT score in just 15 days requires a focused and disciplined approach.

By following this 10-point plan, incorporating both study and wellness strategies, you can improve your performance and approach the exam with confidence.

Remember, consistent practice, targeted review, and taking care of your mental and physical health are key to success on the Digital SAT.

Incorporate these strategies into your preparation plan to optimize your study time and maximize your score on the Digital SAT.

Good luck!

February 19, 2024