
Mastering Craft and Structure: Top Tips for Digital SAT: Reading and Writing Success

Introduction: Preparing for the Digital SAT exam can be a challenging task, but mastering the craft and structure topic can significantly improve your performance in the reading and writing sections. This blog post will provide you with essential tips and strategies to help you tackle questions related to words in context, cross-text connections, and text structure and purpose. Get ready to boost your SAT score by implementing these tips!

1. Master the Art of Context Clues: When facing unfamiliar words or phrases in the Digital SAT reading questions, use context clues to deduce their meanings. Surrounding words and sentences can offer invaluable hints, such as definitions, synonyms, antonyms, examples, or explanations. By understanding context clues, you’ll become more efficient at answering words in context questions.

2. Analyze Word Choice for Tone and Style: The author’s choice of words plays a crucial role in conveying tone, style, and meaning. Pay close attention to words with strong connotations and consider how they impact the passage’s overall message. This skill will enable you to better interpret the author’s intent and the text’s purpose.

3. Decode Words with Prefixes, Suffixes, and Roots: Familiarizing yourself with common prefixes, suffixes, and roots will help you decipher the meaning of unknown words. This foundational skill will improve your overall comprehension and performance on words in context questions.

4. Identify Key Transition Words and Phrases: Transition words and phrases signal relationships between ideas in a text. Recognizing words that indicate contrast, comparison, cause and effect, and sequence will aid you in analyzing text structure and purpose.

5. Recognize and Understand Text Structure: Learn to identify common text structures, such as cause and effect, problem and solution, compare and contrast, and chronological order. Knowing the structure of a passage will enable you to comprehend its purpose and main ideas more effectively.

6. Determine the Author’s Purpose: Analyze the author’s intent behind writing the passage, whether it’s to inform, persuade, entertain, or explain. Assess the author’s tone, word choice, and overall message to help determine their purpose.

7. Make Cross-Text Connections: When dealing with paired passages or cross-text connections, concentrate on the similarities and differences between the texts. Look for contrasting viewpoints, shared themes, or common techniques used by the authors to strengthen your comparative analysis skills.

8. Develop Inference Skills: Use evidence from the text to make logical inferences about the author’s perspective, the intended audience, or the broader implications of the passage. Practice connecting different parts of the text and drawing conclusions based on the provided information.

9. Practice Close Reading: Close reading is a critical skill for SAT success. Read each passage carefully and critically, annotating as you go. Take note of essential details, patterns, and contrasts that can help you answer craft and structure questions.

10. Review Rhetorical Devices: Familiarize yourself with common rhetorical devices, such as metaphor, simile, personification, and alliteration. Understanding how authors use these devices will enable you to better analyze the craft and structure of a text.

Conclusion: By focusing on these top tips, students preparing for the Digital SAT 2023 exam will be better equipped to tackle craft and structure questions in the reading and writing sections. Invest time in mastering these strategies, and you’ll be well on your way to achieving SAT success. Good luck!

April 13, 2023